Saturday, June 28, 2008

Blog Entry11

Chapter 11: De-escalating Relationships focus on issues in a relationship. Everyone in a relationship have probably experience issues because of some disagreements with their partners. Sometimes it is just small issues and other times it is big issues that can lead to divorces. As they all say, men are from Mars and women are from Venus. So how can two different planets agree on everything?

As the book indicates, some factors contribute to a decline in intimacy include loss of shared goals or interests. One of my relative is actually going though this stage with her husband. They were considered as a very happy couple. Until recently, things changed. They were close to divorce for a couple of months ago but they are trying to give their marriage another try. The issue was that she changed but he didn’t. She started to value other things while he maintained his values. Also, he couldn’t accept these changes of her. They are still having problems but that they are willing to give it another try means that they still love each other.

In a relationship changes always occur; therefore, both partners must learn how to adapt to the changes. Otherwise both partners are moving in two different directions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First of all, sorry to hear about your relative. Having a family member go through this as well, its never easy. And at times the communication can be so strained to do anger, hostility, and bitterness. But if both couples are willing to work it out, it is for sure worth the try. It always amazes me how people change. Its not that they want to change, but that is happens. I know I've been told that over the years I have changed...some think its good, others haven't approved. But I have always felt that the relationship (whatever kind of relationship it is) started for some reason, therefore that attraction to it must still be there.