Saturday, June 21, 2008

Blog Entry7

It was hard for me to find a specific concept that relates to me from chapter 8: defending the self. I would say that I am a little of everything, depending on the situations that I am involved in. If I did something bad to someone, then I will give this person an apology. And, if I find myself uncomfortable in a situation I will find excuses. Or, if someone asks me to perform an illegal task then I will refuse to do so. I find this chapter related to chapter 6, as defending your self is also like a drama. You just perform your role as it comes. However, I think it is important to follow the rule of honesty when you adapt to these concepts. So, when you do find excuses, then do it out of honesty.

1 comment:

Jordan White said...

I like your comparison of defending the self to performing a drama. I definitely agree that we are constantly performing roles throughout our life. We choose to act certain ways or it is just natural instinct to react differently to different situations. For example, I may simply apologize to my boss for being late without attempting to justify my lateness, because I know that he does not want to hear it. I was late, and that is that. On the other hand, if it were my boyfriend or family member, where I was late to a dinner, I might try to justify so that they didn't think I didn't care about them or our meeting time. I might, instead, perform an apology and a justification, "I am so sorry I'm late, I really want to be here, but I just got rear-ended on the freeway."