Saturday, June 14, 2008

Blog Entry4

When I read the “Interpersonal Expectations” concept from chapter 5, I find myself related to the concept.

I used to have those expectations of other people and of situations. Before I met someone, I imagined the scenes in my mind of that person and of the surroundings. I imagine how the person would think of me and whether how he/she is like as a person. However, I often get disappointed because when what I experience with this person doesn’t turn out to be as expected. My boyfriend always advised me to take it as it comes because I will always be sad.

When I went to the job interview yesterday, I had expected the vice president to be more professional and talked more job-related questions to me, but I was disappointed. She was mean and was very straight forward with her opinion. I came 25 minutes earlier to the interview but she didn’t like that I came too early. She is a little scary.

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