Friday, June 13, 2008

Blog Entry2

Chapter 14, which was about self and society, resemble one of my weaknesses, which is communication apprehension. I just don’t like the thought of everyone looking at me while I am speaking. I remember when I took the public speech class, it was horrible. Even though I practiced my speech over and over again, my mind went empty as soon as I stand in front of the class. My accents became stronger, I stuttered, my face turned red, I became dependent on my notes, and I avoided eye contact. I basically just HATED IT.

In fact, one time we had to pick a topic by lottery and you had 5 minutes to prepare for your speech and 5 minutes to present it. My topic was “Tattoo.” While preparing for this topic, I thought that I would have so many ideas to talk about. However, as I finished my first sentence, which was only introducing the topic, I totally went blank. It was so embarrassing. After the 5 minute past, I went to my seat and then all ideas came to my mind; however, it was too late.

Today, I still have this communication apprehension. But it is hard when you are a business major as it requires having those skills in the field. I am trying to improve this skill but I still become nervous of just the thought of presenting in front of people. If I can, then I prefer to skip it.

However, I am doing fine when interacting in small groups, attending a large social gathering, or even in my relationships. These are also called for the state and trait communication apprehension from the text.

Maybe it is because of all of the eyes looking at me at once. Maybe it is my voice. Maybe it is just ME. One thing for sure, I don’t like public speaking!!!!

1 comment:

CGH said...

I can totally relate to what you wrote. I am often apprehensive about communicating an idea or a project to a large group of people. It's not because I'm nervous or don't like talking (believe me I can talk a lot), but it's more about me being afraid I won't say the right things. Like you, I've prepared for a speech for hours and hours and once I'm in front of the class I forget everything or I start to wonder if anyone is actually interested in what I have to say.
I too am fine when in small groups or at social gatherings, when all of the attention is not on me. I guess I just don't appreciate being the center of attention, I'm a much better communicator on a one on one basis.