Saturday, June 21, 2008

Blog Entry8

At first when I read the concept of “Equivocation” I didn’t really understand what it really meant by “protecting the self and help others manage their identities.” After reading the first dialog between Person Y and Z, it gave me a better understanding of equivocation. And, it reminded me of what I answered when people ask me when I will get married. Well, I guess in Asian culture, people assume that you will marry with your partner if you have been with him for so long (I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years). So, when they keep asking me this question, I never give them a straight answer because I know that things will change. So, my answer will always be “how much are you willing to put aside every day?” (In Vietnamese culture we always attend a wedding with “lucky” money). Some will ask why, and I would again answer, “because if you set aside 25 cents each day then I will marry in 10 years, but if you set a side 5 dollars each day then I will marry next year.” The conversation will always result in laughter with no definite answer. Sometimes, people ask me too many times, so I just needed to find away around the question.

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