Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blog Entry5

Just by reading the first concept of dramaturgical perspective from chapter 6, I could already relate myself to it. I think that life is like a drama where we do perform like actors. We all have basic personalities, which make us unique and it gives us a character. But when we divide ourselves into different social groups we act upon group. The same when we divide into subgroups, where we try to fit in and act as the group.

I must say that I can be a different person depending on who I am with and in which situations. I am different when I am with my family, as I act more protective and aggressive. But when I am with my boyfriend, I act like I need to be protected and more depended. In school, however, I am shy and don’t talk much. Also, among my friends I can act differently. I have some friends who I just act crazy and go clubbing with. I have some friends who I just hang out with a cup of coffee and have a mature conversation with. Then, I have friends who I only go shopping with.

However, characteristics that are always the same is my thoughts, beliefs, and how I treat people.

1 comment:

Rock N Roll said...

I agree with your post. I’m also a different person depending on who I am around. My family always hears my infectious laugh, but if you ever had a class with me, you would definitely be surprised because you will never hear my laugh inside the classroom. In a classroom setting, I am extremely shy. Also, as you described how you have a group of friends you can act crazy with, I can also relate because I too have a group of friends I can go to the parties with and have crazy fun with them.